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MCI would like to wish everyone a very happy Lunar New Year! This Sunday marks the beginning of Golden Week when many Asian families go on holiday and take a well-earned rest. It’s also a time to celebrate hopes for prosperity, good health and happiness for the new year. Many people like to get their fortunes told ready for the year ahead.

In Chinese tradition, ‘lucky money’ is given in envelopes to the unmarried members of the family, as are lots of sweets. All over Asia, there are many other traditions surrounding Lunar New Year. We would love to hear about them all!

Large meals will be held on the 22nd with dishes that are traditionally eaten at New Year, similar to the UK tradition of eating Christmas pudding and having a roast on Christmas day. Dumplings symbolise little money bags and spring rolls are like tiny gold bars (giving the eater financial prosperity for the coming year). Noodles symbolise a long life and should be eaten without breaking the strands, if possible (it’s harder than you think!). The list of auspicious food goes on, creating an amazing feast.

Every year is ‘ruled’ by a different Chinese zodiac animal. This year is the year of the water rabbit. Generally, the rabbit symbolises a big leap forward with plenty of opportunities for your business to grow. This year is going to be full of peaceful energy. It’s a great time to forge new relationships and build on existing ones as the rabbit is a social animal. Needless to say, networking may yield results as will taking on new projects and responsibilities.

The rabbit is also a cautious animal, so keep an eye out for any scams. Thankfully though, the rabbit’s sharp intuition and wisdom will help avoid bad things.

MCI hopes that everyone’s business has a very prosperous 2023!