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MCI wants to celebrate the emergency services this week.  This very day in 1937, the first 999 emergency telephone service was launched.  However, it was only available for a 12 mile radius from Oxford Circus, and where the emergency was an ongoing one.  Despite the very limited initial service, 1,366 call came in the first week.  It wasn’t until after the second world war that the 999 number was rolled out to major cities in the UK.  Almost unbelievably, the 999 number didn’t cover the whole of the UK until 1976. 

To find out why the emergency number started, we have to go back to November 1935.  A fire in Wimpole Street, London tragically took the lives of five women.  A committee was set up by the government of the time to look at how operators could identify and deal with emergency calls better.  It was suggested that a dedicated emergency number be created, that was free to access at all times. 

Today, of course, emergency numbers are used around the world.  Whether you are calling 999, 911 or 112 (amongst others), you can get to the emergency operators will help.  These teams work tirelessly behind the scenes, fielding, verifying and logging emergency calls all times of the day and night.

MCI would like to thank all the emergency services, who play a vital part in making our lives safer.  Have a great weekend everyone!