International Dog Day

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MCI Logo with paw print design celebrating International Dog Day,

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It will be no surprise to any of you that we at MCI love dogs.  Large or small, hairless or fluffy, we love them all.  It only seemed right that we celebrate International Dog Day today.

Our four legged friends are always welcome in our office and we firmly believe that allowing dogs in the workplace makes the office a happier place to be. 

Many of our employee's dogs are rescue dogs and we would like to highlight the benefits of getting a rescue dog.  Older dogs may already be house trained and had some obedience training.  An older dog may also be calmer around the home.  Rescuing pups can be rewarding too - who can resist puppy eyes! Getting a rescue dog can, of course, give a dog a second chance at a happy, loving forever home.  Many rescue centres also provide advice after adoption to make sure that your dog settles in and becomes part of the family in no time.

Over Lockdown, many people got pets as companions.  When lockdown ended and many of us had to return to the office, some people found that they couldn't look after their pets anymore and handed them over to rescue centres.  Needless to say, the charities and organisations dealing with pet rescue have been inundated.  If you are looking for a new pet, regardless of whether it's a dog or other type of animal, please check out some of the rescue centres in your area first.  Whether it's a gecko or a horse, there are loads of beautiful animals out there looking for homes.

Have a great weekend everyone, and give your dog a big hug for us!

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