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Santa's elves testing a circuit board

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‘Twas the night before Christmas at MCI’ s place,
The whole office was buzzing with engineers at haste,
The phone started ringing with a loud BRING-A-BRING,
It was Santa’s own workshop – a new job had come in!

All these new toys now are so very advanced,
My poor little elves, they don’t stand a chance!
Santa’s big eyes filled up with tears,
Please could you send us one of your own engineers?

Bring solder, bring circuits, bring cables and snips!
Fix all of these toys that are lying in bits!
The elves sat with notebooks, waiting with care,
Excited to know MCI’s engineers would soon be there.

MCI’s van appeared at the door,
Elves and engineers working, who could ask for more!
Not before long, toys filled up the room,
Santa’s sleigh was stacked up and shot off with a zoom.

With MCI's help, the day was saved,
With toys going off to kids who behaved,
So remember to keep our phone number near,
from MCI - A Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!