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MCI Electronics logo animation celebrating the launch of Apollo 11.

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MCI is celebrating the launch of Apollo 11 on the 16th July 1969.  This space mission, with pilot Buzz Aldrin and Commander Neil Armstrong captivated the world as they landed on the moon. Armstrong became the first man on the moon with the immortal words “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”  Anyone who had access to a TV on that day could remember what they were doing at that moment. 

Later, conspiratorialists would say that the footage of the moon landing was fake but, whatever you believe, there was a sudden massive increase in tech after the footage was shown.  Creators and children everywhere dreamed of what it would be like, living in the 21st century.  We may laugh watching these TV programmes now, but while the older members of MCI were eating their packets of Sherbet Dip Dab sweeties and playing in the street on their Chopper bikes, the digital revolution was getting ready to kick off and would change our lives forever.  Tablet computers, mobile phones and robots, amongst other things, became a reality. 

As industry went electrical, little James McIntosh was busy taking his sister’s Hi-Fi apart to see how it worked.  MCI Electronics was merely a glint in his eye.  Fast forward to 2023, we look fondly back at the years of our childhood, knowing that many of the industrial processes we deal with, rely on electrical and electronic equipment. 

MCI has over 75 years combined experience, helping companies keep their machinery going and James McIntosh is still driving the company forward to this day.  Although he got rid of his Chopper, he still loves Sherbet Dip Dabs.  Call us on 01324 611371 to see how we can help you.  Have a lovely weekend everyone!