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B&R Touch Screen Automation PC before and after repair by MCI Electronics.

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MCI received a B&R Touch screen Automation PC from a large International fresh produce supplier. The system failed to power up and this caused the production line to be down. Needless to say at this time of year the customer was desperate and needed this to be fixed as a matter of urgency!

Within 24 hours, MCI’s engineers had investigated the fault and found a couple of blown components on the power board, which were replaced. The system was reassembled and tested. Finally, we delivered the unit and ensured it was installed and the production was running again. The customer was delighted that all of this was achieved in such a short time frame and a costly upgrade or replacement was not required.

If you have an urgent repair, just give MCI a call on 01324 611371 to see how we can help keep your machinery going. Our engineers are ready to help! Have a good week at work everyone.