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  • MCI Electronics logo animation showing an old television in celebration of the life of John Logie Baird.

    John Logie Baird

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    Today MCI celebrates the live of one of its favourite inventors, John Logie Baird. Not only was he an inventor extraordinaire, but also an electrical engineer and innovator. The best bit was that he was also Scottish, just like MCI. He was born in Helensburgh in Dunbartonshire and, after he…

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  • Animation showing a tractor circuit board as repaired by MCI Electronics.

    Tractor Circuit Board

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    MCI has long associations with the farming community. We recently helped a local farmer by repairing a circuit board from his old, but cherished, tractor. This tractor is critical to the operation of the farm and a quick fix was definitely needed. A replacement circuit board is very expensive and…

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  • MCI Electronics logo animation showing a spider swinging over to the logo in order to commemorate Robert the Bruce.

    Robert the Bruce

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    Today, MCI is proud to commemorate the death of one of Scotland’s kings and national hero, Robert the Bruce. Robert the Bruce, or Robert I was King of the Scots from 1306 until his death this day in history in 1329. He is most famous for leading Scotland in the…

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  • An inverter replaced and programmed by MCI Electronics.

    Replacement Inverter

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    MCI was asked, by a manufacturer, to fix their main production machine. The old inverter had failed and the customer didn’t have a backup to programme the settings on the new inverter. MCI came to the rescue and were able to bring the old inverter back to life just long…

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  • MCI Electronics logo animation showing an aurora in the night sky.

    Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén

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    MCI visits Sweden today to celebrate the life of Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén, who was born today, 30 May in 1908. He is close to our hearts because he was an electrical engineer, a plasma physicist and winner of the Nobel prize in 1970 for physics. His Nobel prize was…

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  • Failed Mitsubishi PLC

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    MCI received a call from a new customer who manufactures portable cabins. Their long serving wood pressure treatment machine had a failed Mitsubishi PLC. Unfortunately, the customer did not have a backup of the PLC program, so it had been very difficult to get the machine running again without MCI’s…

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  • MCI Electronics logo image celebrating the achievements of William Gilbert.

    William Gilbert

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    Today MCI goes back in time…. way, waaay back in time to the Elizabethan period. In fact, the person we want to celebrate today is William Gilbert. He was Elizabeth I’s doctor. This extremely clever man was at the dawn of science as we know it and was the first…

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  • Animation showing a spark erosion machine's HMI before and after repair by MCI Electronics.

    Spark Erosion Machine

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    A long standing MCI customer, who makes gas turbines for industry, civil and defence aerospace etc. had a broken spark erosion machine. This machine is used to cut vanes for turbines from very hard materials like titanium. Traditionally, a milling machine would be used to cut materials, but because the…

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  • Animation showing obsolete drives in use plus three sourced by MCI Electronics.

    Obsolete Drives Replacement

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    Following an obsolescence audit at a customer’s facility, an expensive upgrade was recommended by the machine manufacturer which would result in loss of production for some time. As a more cost effective solution, MCI was asked to keep the original machinery going by sourcing three obsolete drives. Not only would…

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  • MCI Electronics logo animation celebrating the accomplishments of Joseph Henry.

    Joseph Henry

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    This week MCI wants to look at the life of Joseph Henry, an electrical inventor extraordinaire. He discovered electromagnetic induction whilst building electromagnets. He also discovered mutual inductance independent of Faraday. However, Faraday was the first to make the discovery and publish it. Following the theme of electromagnets, Joseph Henry…

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