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Animation showing a spark erosion machine's HMI before and after repair by MCI Electronics.

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A long standing MCI customer, who makes gas turbines for industry, civil and defence aerospace etc. had a broken spark erosion machine. This machine is used to cut vanes for turbines from very hard materials like titanium. Traditionally, a milling machine would be used to cut materials, but because the materials are so hard to cut, a special machine is required. With a spark erosion machine, a high voltage current is passed through the machine profiling tip causing sparks which erode and shape the material.

MCI was called out to the customer’s site as the broken machine had stopped production. As we all know, time is money and a solution was needed to be found quickly. MCI’s engineers fault-found the machine and found a problem with the safety circuits. There were repaired very quickly and the machine was back in action with minimal down time.
Another happy customer.

If you are having electrical or electronic problems with your machinery, just give us a call on 01324 611371 to see how we can help keep your machinery going. Have a good week at work everyone!