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Water cooled inverter drive repaired by MCI Electronics.

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MCI’s engineers were called out to a large water cooled inverter drive, which had a serious fault. The fault had stopped a high production machine from working. The inverter was over £20,000 for a replacement and would have taken several weeks to get a new one.

MCI’s engineer partially stripped the inverter down on site and found faulty components on the drive circuit board. We then took the Inverter back to our workshop in Falkirk, where we replaced the faulty parts which rectified the issue.

Finally, we returned to the client’s site, reassembled the inverter and put the machine back into service. Another satisfied customer. MCI keeps a large stock of components in our distribution warehouse and workshop. We can source items when we don’t have the parts readily available.

If you are looking for components or have a faulty machine, we can give you electrical or electronic solutions. Call 01324 611371 for more information on how to help keep your machinery going.