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MCI Electronics logo animation showing a flash drive being inserted after multiple attempts

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Last Friday, MCI were celebrating National Flash Drive Day. For those of us old enough to to remember 20cm floppy discs, temperamental, bendable square storage devices. These giant floppy discs might just save your document long enough to get it to another computer, so the invention of the flash drive was a god send. The flash drive is small, robust and lightweight, this device can store large amounts of data whilst jangling around on your keyring.

The invention of the flash drive has been claimed by a number of companies in a number of different countries. We won’t go into the claims of the different companies, nor the court cases they brought against one another here. However, from out of this fierce phase of inventiveness, this tiny yet mighty device came, taking over from floppy disc technology forever.

Although, these days, we tend to send information to one another via the Internet, we still use flash drives to transport information that is too large to send via email. Most flash drives weigh 30g or less and are available in stick formats or novelty shapes such as animals, cartoon characters or food. Some flash drives are now even collected as souvenirs by tourists and can be in the shape of famous landmarks.

Whatever your flash drive looks like, remember it fondly today and think back to the time when we struggled with giant floppy discs!

Have a great weekend everyone from everyone here at MCI.